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[2018-03-23 05:36] BruceSnuse:
[2018-03-23 00:41] Josephfum:

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[2018-03-21 14:52] Josephfum:

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[2018-03-21 02:36] Josephfum:

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But I would very much like to know what exactly it is that I am risking by using it? After reading the answers so far, is it a fair assessment that CCleaner, with the EXCEPTION of the reg clean, can be quite useful, but suffers from being "too powerful" in the hands of users not knowing what the hell they are doing?.

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CCleaner also has a "Tools" area where you can automatically uninstall programsview and change the programs that startup with Windows, find and remove files that are taking up lots of disk space, find dup

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[2018-03-20 00:42] Josephfum:

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CCleaner is a Windows 8, Windows 10 desktop application that is used by thousands of users to keep their computer in shape and get rid of useless junk files that are left all over the place.

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1 Responses from admin

moderator [08:28 PM, hari ini-februari-12]
Terima kasih kunjungannya jika berkenan tinggalkan jejak anda berupa kritik saran. Mohon maaf menunya masih sederhana

Terima Kasih

[moderator ]


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